Our Goals for Saving the Ravine

  • The City of Columbus created a Walhalla Ravine “Restoration” plan that will ultimately be harmful and disruptive to the residents and natural environment.

    The City is proposing a road project that is being disguised as a ravine “restoration.” 75 percent of the cost is for the road, not erosion control.

    The residents who use the Walhalla Ravine daily request that the City revise the current plan to focus on stream restoration, water quality improvement, tree canopy preservation, and strongly consider pedestrian and non-motor vehicle usage of the ravine pathway.

  • The current Walhalla Ravine Restoration Project does not solve the pollution or stormwater issues with the stream, but merely patches the problem.

    Many of our beloved trees will be cut down, and the replacement of the trees does not require that they are replanted in the Ravine. Rather, the smaller replacement trees can be planted ANYWHERE in Columbus.

    The current plan focuses on roadway improvement, with 75 percent of the project cost going towards things like a retaining wall and highway-like barrier. We are concerned that there is no consideration for the safety of pedestrians who walk the Ravine daily.

  • We request that the City revise the plan to include the following:

    Preservation of the natural environment and protection of the features of the ravine, including the tree canopy and non-invasive native plants. Replant the trees in the Ravine.

    Focus on creating a healthier ecosystem.

    Restoration of the stream and with a focus on improvement of water quality.

    Improve stormwater management and reduce erosion.

    Consideration of the pedestrian usage of the pathway and potential creation of a Walhalla Ravine Park for residents to continue to enjoy safely.

Check out the photos of the Walhalla Ravine from your friends and neighbors below!